Latitude -1218 (2018)
By Bruno Bresani

Latitude -1218 is a chilling chart of the Mexican land characterized by the denial of historical atrocities. In Mexico, 1218 men were killed victims of hate crimes in recent years, almost 65 murders per year, becoming the second place in the world with the highest number of crimes for homophobia.

Mexico is a nation with a diverse landscape and a rich history with many scars that have not been publicly spoken. Mexico is these bodies of desire torn, these scars on the land that make up the nation.

The series consists of six images; these six images are the representation of the six cases not reported by each case recorded in the country. These images mix the desired body and the landscape that conforms to them.   

Bruno Bresani (Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, 1973) is a visual artist and educator who currently lives and works in Mexico City. He is known for his compelling and thought-provoking work, which often explores themes of identity, memory, and the human condition. His artistic approach is characterized by a deep engagement with the psychological and emotional aspects of his subjects, often blurring the lines between reality and fiction. Bresani's work is noted for its intense emotional depth, evocative imagery, and a strong sense of narrative that invites viewers to reflect on their own perceptions and experiences. He currently directs the Zona de Riesgo platform, an independent project for the production and promotion of Latin American photobooks.