South Beach Gay Scene
By Ali Miranda

Ali Miranda took an active part in the glittered life happening all around South Beach’s gay bars and private parties during the ‘80s and ‘90s, documenting it for a long time from his flâneur’s approach to life. Drag artists who appeared in Ali’s photographs are icons of the pastel and glitter life happening in Miami Beach. His work oscillates between capturing the ordinary aspects of daily life and the extraordinary moments of celebration, blending them to create a rich tapestry of queer life in South Beach. Ali Miranda’s work on the South Beach gay scene, viewed through the lens of a flâneur, presents an intriguing blend of observation, immersion, and artistry.

Ali Miranda (Havana, Cuba, 1954) is a Cuban-born American photographer. He currently lives and works in Miami. He holds a Bachelor's of Fine Arts from the Academy of Art College of San Francisco. Also, he attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City. During the 80s and 90s, he developed a strong portfolio of surreal images pushing the boundaries of the eroticism of the human body. His work is an authentic archive of performers, feelings, and fugitive moments.